New Release: Logic Fruit's Single Board Computer 6U VPX-SBC-1700.

Implementing an embedded system with a USB host support can be a challenging task. This paper will provide software guidelines for such integrated solutions, and the factors to be considered/taken care while building these type of systems.

In this whitepaper you will get insights on:

  • Introduction
    • Motivation
    • What is USB Host?
      • Description
      • Class Codes
    • USB Host Model
    • Types of Host Controller
    • Controllers having this feature
  • Functional Description
    • USB Host Flow Control
    • Implementation
      • Types of Packet
      • Packet format
      • Type of data transfer
      • Token Packet Transactions
      • Setup Packet
    • Example : Atmel-SAMBA5D36 Host Controller
      • Block Diagram
      • USB Selection
      • Implementation flow
      • Results
      • Challenges faced
      • Solutions/Observations/Findings
  • References

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