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Logic Fruit and Accelize Announce Strategic Partnership to deliver Next Generation IP cores to enable FPGA Acceleration-as-a-Service

New Delhi and Aix-en-Provence: Logic Fruit Technologies, one of the world’s foremost providers of Design Services & IPsCores and Accelize, the leading accelerator content provider for FPGA Acceleration-as-a-Service have announced a new strategic partnership. The partnership will combine Logic Fruit’s expertise in Design Services, Video& Security IPs Cores with Accelize’s market leading Cloud workload FPG Aacceleration technologies to deliver solutions for today’s increasingly data rich world.

Logic Fruit has joined Accelize’s Quick Alliance™ network, a group of world’s top high-quality IP providers and FPGA accelerator developers, offering their services through Accelize’s QuickStore® for plug-and-play configuration of FPGA accelerators. These accelerators are in turn available in various Cloud Service Providers market places to be sold as a service to their end users.

In addition to providing IP Cores, Logic Fruit will also develop such accelerators for Cloud Service Providers taking an important and active role in this FPGA Acceleration-as-a-Service.

Sanjeev Kumar, CEO, Logic Fruit says, “We are very pleased to form a strategic partnership with Accelize. By combining Logic Fruit’s expertise in Design Services & IPs Cores, and with Accelize’s unique position to address Cloud Service Providers’ need to operate FPGA accelerators in cloud, we can define exciting new opportunities for digital led transformation and IP business model.”

Jean-Yves Brena, CEO, Accelize commented, “As we enter a new era of Cloud Computing, the tidal wave of Acceleration of Cloud Services using FPGAs is coming upon the industry fast and Accelize is uniquely positioned to address it.”

“The partnership with Logic Fruit opens up great opportunities in the domain of FPGA Acceleration-as-a-Service (FAaaS), where Cloud Service Providers operate FPGA accelerators in the cloud to run compute-intensive tasks such as deep learning, big data analytics, database management, video processing and more.” Jean-Yves concluded.

IP providers and accelerator developers considering to make their products available to Cloud computing companies should contact Accelize and join the Quick  iAlliance program.

About Logic Fruit

Logic Fruit (India) is a world leader in Electronic Design Services (FPGA, ASIC, Board) as well as in Video Processing, Digital Protocols, IP Cores, Encryption and Communication Protocols. With two development centers at Gurgaon & Bangalore, India and corporate offices in New Delhi, India and San Francisco, US, Logic fruit has one of the industry’s best product portfolios and best-in-class support.

For more information about Logic Fruit, see:

About Accelize

Spinoff of 20-year-old PLDA Group, Accelize aims to accelerate the adoption of FPGA-based reconfigurable hardware in IT infrastructures by streamlining the development and sale of FPGA accelerators with a unique, intuitive FPGA development flow and a business model that aligns with Could/data center needs. Its primary offerings, QuickPlay and QuickStore, are the result of years of research in the field of High-Level Design (HLD) and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) combined with the strong expertise in FPGA hardware and IP design.

For more information, see:

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