New Release: Logic Fruit's Single Board Computer 6U VPX-SBC-1700.

Beginner's Guide to Precision Time Protocol


Mohammad Rafi
BU Head - Logic Fruit Technologies

Precision Time Protocol Overview:

In today’s world, we are using a large number of connected devices that provide us with a seamless experience in voice calling, data transfer, and many more applications. This creates a critical need for all the devices and the systems handling these applications at the backend stay synchronized with each other. With the demand for higher data rates, the synchronization needs have moved from milli-seconds to nano-seconds range. Time synchronization using PTP over the packet network addresses this in a smart and scalable approach.

What will you learn from this whitepaper :

  • Key concepts of time and clock
  • Introduction to PTP and its working principle
  • Types of PTP clocks
  • Must know concepts before implementing PTP
  • Bird-eye view of PTP implementation
  • Basics of PTP testing
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