New Release: Logic Fruit's Single Board Computer 6U VPX-SBC-1700.

Implementing with Intel Slim Bootloader - A Light Weight and Secure Bootloader for Embedded Systems

Rajat Dongre

Rajat Dongre
R&D Engineer

Slim Bootloader is a lightweight and secure bootloader that is designed to provide a fast, reliable, and secure boot experience on embedded devices. It is based on the UEFI secure boot specification and works with platforms that have UEFI firmware to boot Linux or other operating systems. This white paper provides an in-depth explanation of the Slim Bootloader design document, including the architecture, features, specifications, and implementation details.
What will you learn from this whitepaper :
  • Software and Hardware Environment setup
  • QEMU
  • Implementations of SBL
  • Boot Linux with U-Boot on Emulator
  • Secure Boot
  • Troubleshoot
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