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Webcam based Live Streaming A Software Perspective

Amritpreet Singh

Amritpreet Singh
Project Manager

Webcam based Live Streaming Overview:

This paper provides a comprehensive review of an application developed using the Live555 and x264 libraries, along with support from V4L2 driver APIs. The primary goal of this application is to facilitate live streaming of webcam video content to multiple requesting clients upon their request.

The evolution of video technology from analog to digital, catalyzed by digital integrated circuits and computers, has paved the way for a new era in video transmission. In this context, the paper focuses on the intricate realm of video streaming, specifically highlighting the process of Webcam streaming.

What will you learn from this whitepaper :
  • Video Streaming Basics
  • Webcam Streaming
  • RTP-RTCP-RTCP Protocols
  • Capture/Encode Section
  • Streaming Section
  • Future Works
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